zaterdag 6 november 2010

Need Not Enter

It’s been a while since I’ve written something. So here is an update. A few weeks ago I was being your typical irritating student. Loud. Annoying and unproductive. And so my teacher optics (who we will call Bob for legal reasons) kicked me out. Now normally I would get that but on this occasion it was in the last 2 minutes of class. But fine ok. Better luck next time.

But 2 weeks later. When I return to apologize.(which from me is a huge gesture) He says he refuses to teach me any longer. Now ignoring the fact that he has no legal grounds. And he has tolerated more from others. That’s just plain stupid. I need that class to pass. Or else well It’s the army for me. But Bob won’t budge. So I do what every reasonable pissed off Haje would do. I threaten to sue him. (not the best move I know) And I go see my mentor. She says she’ll work it out. The Result Bob still won’t budge and claims I’ve said some things which are lies.

What now, You ask? Well. My mentor says that we have to play this political and slowly. Meanwhile…. The Birth givers want to see Bob hanging from a cross (can’t say I blame them) So here I am between two party’s one saying I should play it slow. And one party I’m keeping from raising hell.

But what pisses me of more than being refused from class. Is the school and mainly my mentors way of handling this. Because Legally he can’t refuse me. I’m not suspended, and I did not receive any official notice. It seems that bureaucracy only counts on our hypocrite school when it’s in their favor. And also that it is taken so lightly. My future depends on stuff like this. But for them It’s just another work day. It seems teachers can’t bring up the correct empathy to think how students lifes are affected by this.

Monday I’ll ask again. And if my mentor still has no results. I’ll go to my class and speak with Bob head on. If he still doesn’t budge. I’ll just sit in the class if he likes it or not. Cause officially I’m still in his class. And if that doesn’t work I’ll unleash hell.

In the end I’m at school to learn. Not to do backroom-politics. But sadly that is not the case. To succeed at school. You have to Lie, Cheat, Manipulate. To succeed. Teacher are ignorant. And some don’t even know the stuff their teaching (or rather preaching) It’s a political mindfuck with no end. And If you can’t play along. You are doomed. My situation with Bob is just an example. I can give you hundreds of story’s of myself and others. I try to face each challenge with a positive attitude but it’s getting harder and harder. And each morning lately when I see the building I think “I’m going to buy that place and burn it down”(Coldplay Quote)

My question to you is: What do you do when your school is more chaotic, immature, and full of shit then you are?? This is Haje Alma saying thanks for reading and I hope you’re having a nice life.

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