donderdag 28 oktober 2010


So yeah 2 days or maybe 3 not sure. I had a poker night. With some friends. And I lost. Quite badly. Me the self-proclaimed poker Professional losing? Yep. And I blame THE FACT I WAS SOBER. Yes people I played poker sober. And this does not at all improve my game.

But beside the fact I got my ass handed to me by a Noob at this game. It was a really fun non alcoholic Night. We Gamed, Played Poker. Had Late night McDonalds. And Stayed up talking. (With what probably is the most awesome person on Skype.) all night long.

But to all good things must come an end. And so I headed home. The twilight of sky outside(sounds deep eh?) was a beautiful sight. As LW City came closer. I felt more and more tired. A random encounter and a bus transfer later. And I was back home in Burgum (YAYYY!!!)

Had a small trip to the torture doctor ( I mean dentist) and after dinner I was out cold. Woke up about 19 hours later. Not knowing what day it was. Or what time. So grabbed a coke, something I was deprived of for almost a day. Felt that warm familiar feeling of the caffeine going to my brain.(I Hated it, Welcomed it.) Found out it was Thursday apparently.(and 2010 as well who knew? just 2 more years to go) So yeah. You’ve just been Filled in.

PS: I got Fallout New Vegas

This is Haje saying:
Pain is just weakness leaving the body

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