zaterdag 13 november 2010

I feel free

Hello Readers. How are you? And more importantly what are you doing here? Get a life! But no Hello. Glad you are here. What me? You are wondering how I am doing? Well thank you for asking. I am good. Really good. I just had “tha week of hell!” behind me (also known as Testweek) And I have to say I only had insufficient on Dutch Language. (meh It’s a dead language) And the rest went well really well. So well I have a renewed feeling of hopefulness for the rest of this year.

And now I have one weekend of no homework no responsibility’s and I plan on enjoying every moment (that means catching up on sleep) Now the other reasons why life is good are the fact that the big Amy (skinandbones) MacDonald concert is Tuesday. And some projects I’m working on are starting to take form and it won’t be long until I have some results.

So yeah that and the fact Saint Nicholas is in country makes me a happy person. Just one thing missing. What makes you happy reader? And I’m asking you too person skimming it lightly. This is Haje Alma saying. I need to get my own place.

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