zondag 24 oktober 2010


Hey there boys and girls remember that old medium known as radio? Well I do. Ever since I was a little potential sociopath playing grand theft auto. Radio has intrigued me. But the thought of becoming a radio host, never crossed my mind.

Years later I'm playing fallout 3. And I fall in love with it. But more relevant to this post, I fell in love with Galaxy News Radio. And being the geek that I am. I started saying radioish things while using #nowplaying on Twitter. This got picked up by like minded people. And #RadioTweet was born.

But it wasn’t enough. So we made a new Twitter Account. And named it @TwusicRadio. A text based radio station. With zero actual broadcasting. Basically we where/are sending music recommendations with radio commentary. But it still wasn’t enough me and my mates Rutger en Jeroen want more. And so we started to make plans for a real broadcast.

SIDE NOTE: Luckly our school has its own radio studio.

So we got together one weird Saturday. And made a concept. Nothing is certain yet but… I can say we are getting close to an actual broadcast. And I can also say: We won’t call our show TwusicRadio. So I hope you can find me on the airwaves soon.

“I’m not calling it a dream. I’m calling it a goal.”

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